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Israeli Affairs


          The Israeli Affairs committee at B'nai Aviv seeks to support, celebrate and advocate for Israel by providing the membership with a variety of programs and speakers. Working together with multiple pro-Israel organizations in our community, we have hosted nationally known speakers and provided information about services the organizations provide. We will continue to provide classes and lectures for our youth and adults on fighting BDS movement and advocating for the right for Israel to exist and defend it's people.

            We seek to engage more direct contact between residents of Broward County and our sister city of Nesher, Israel by supporting the Partnership2gether program sponsored by JAFI and Broward County Jewish Federation. We currently have two synagogue religious school classrooms participating in a Twinning Program and hope to engage other segments of our population. 

          We continue to celebrate Israeli holidays through music, films, discussion, and classes.

Sat, February 15 2025 17 Shevat 5785